About Ameri-Tech
Being in the community management business for over 25 years, we understand it's more important than ever to have our entire organization aligned with the vision and goals of the communities we manage. Our professionals act as your liaison and advocate for your community.

We have put great emphasis on the background of our staff and property managers which consists of qualifications that far exceed industry standards and go right to the heart of what we do as Community Association Managers.
Our executive staff, employees and property managers are “LCAM” (Licensed Community Association Managers), Real Estate Brokers, Real Estate instructors, a staff CPA, and in-house Attorney.
We have certifications in emergency management response services, a certified city planner, general contractors, engineers, electrical contractors, plumbing contractors, roofing consultants, insurance specialists, former law enforcement personnel, and fire fighters.
These backgrounds and qualifications establish a superior leadership ability in the management of your Community.